Personal Spiritual Transformation and Development
St Stephens Practice, 21a St Stephens Road
Norwich Norfolk NR1 3SP

The Energy of Anticipation

Last week I received my first ever published book. Arriving in a simple brown box, it sat waiting to be opened. But I was in no hurry for its reveal. Why? Because I didn’t want to loose what I was feeling. Knowing it was expected, I awoke full of the glorious ‘bubbleness’ of anticipation. I didn’t want to open the box not because I wasn’t excited to see the finished article. But I didn’t want this feeling of overflowing joy to stop.

Do you remember that feeling? The younger you jumping up and down. Full of nervous excitement as you waited for Christmas or your birthday. Excitement so intense it had you ‘bouncing off walls’.

That day I was so moved, literally. Like a young child I jumped up and down while my ear to ear grin felt like a permanent fixture. Every cell charged with aliveness. I guess that is what I didn’t want to loose – my life force on charge.

What-ever happen to anticipation? Is it only for children? A feeling we outgrow as we put on the shoes of responsibility? Or is still within us. Perhaps it is not that it has moved away from us but we have moved away from it.

Living in an ever-ready world has its downfall. We have grown so used to instant gratification. Need something? Anything? Size, shape colour? Grab the laptop let your fingers do the shopping. Why pro-long the wait when there is the choice of a 24 hour arrival.

Have a desire? It’s yours. Easy peasy. No time wasted or effort spent. But at what cost?

Do you remember saving your pocket money? So excited as you got closer and closer getting what you really, really wanted? There was something so delicious in the waiting. Which I guess is why I had such a quandary about opening the box. I knew that the next feeling would replace my present one.

Eventually, I did open the box and my Heart burst with joy. A feeling equally as intense. All in all, it was an amazing day in which I will never forget and am so thankful I connected back into that ‘bubblicious’ feeling. A feeling so encompassing I couldn’t have contained it I wanted it to.

I have to wonder if we in our digital age having acquired so much we have equally lost. Everything is energy and energy must move. As we ride the energy of anticipation and the joy of waiting it is a good reminder to hold back. Don’t just grab because you can. Let time pass. Learn to wait. Take your time. Knowing that what you have been so looking forward will soon arrive. Why not loose a bit of the instant and reconnect into the dream. The wanting and the waiting. All energy has it place and Anticipation? It is the super-charger for joy. Something we really don’t want to do without.